About The Afterthought

Afterthought: noun. Something done or said after other things because it was not thought of earlier.

This does not make it any less important!!!

Hey there, I’m glad you’ve found your way to my small bit of the Internet. I am Peace, a recovering overthinker. Among other things of course.

So am exploring some of my afterthoughts here where I get the last word in.

It is my joy to have you join me as I sort out the many perspectives. Right now I’m in a deep place of uncertainty. Cue Alessia Cara’s Best Days. Where do I go from here? What’s coming next? Do I even want to know? But I’m putting one foot in front of the other, day by day, and I hope I make it out on the other side. Okay – now that we’ve got that out of the way, I hope you enjoy some of the writings on this blog.

I will write it all. And by all I mean navigating your 20s, doing friendships and intentional relationships. keeping the faith, book reviews, dreaming out loud, employment and the strange world of writing. And probably everything else inbetween.

Feel free to subscribe or follow, comment and weigh in on whatever strikes your heart or suggest something you would like to read about.


So take a seat, relax and enjoy your reading.