A Million Dreams – The Rekindling

The last week of June, the last week of WinterABC23. I like to think that this writing has followed a theme each week but maybe it’s been all over the place. This week though, its all about encouragement, lighting a fire under your behinds to get your chasing things – dreams, trips, relationships, self-improvement – things!

A Million Dreams by Ziv Zaifman, Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams (The Greatest Showman Soundtrack)

I close my eyes and I can see the world that’s waiting up for me.

Let’s talk about dreams for a hot second.

The stuff that keeps you up at night. The ideas that make your eyes light up. The thoughts that kill the quiver in your voice.

The things that make you think there’s more to your life than meets the eye.

What do you see when you close your eyes? What could it be?

A million dreams are keeping me awake

I heard once that if your dream doesn’t scare you it’s not big enough.

But why does a dream have to be too big to be valid anyway?

It could be a million little things. Just the stuff that make your heart sing. A warm meal, conversations with a loved one, a Nobel Prize in Literature 😏you know, the little things.

Each one there to make you smile on a rainy day

The thing with dreams though, is that it requires laborious doing when you wake. Strict disciplines, cutthroat editing of friends, habits and thoughts, and untold endurance.

Not knowing the future means we have to grapple with unknown timelines. The things you dream of could be two days away or two decades away. All the same, you want to be found consistent in your pursuit.

To the world I close my eyes to see

My parting shot – it’s all possible.

If you envision it, it can happen. Don’t let time sway your big ideas, don’t let the voices drown your confidence.

Pictures taken from Pixabay

Let’s boldly leave our mark on the world.

And I hope you know I mean this positively. If your dream is to rob a bank 😂 abandon ship. I mean it.

They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy

They can say, they say we’ve lost our minds

I don’t care, I don’t care so call me crazy

Run away to the world that we design

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